Solar Pathfinder Tutorial
Intended Grade Level(s):
Energy Content:
Learning Goal(s):
Students will be able to properly assemble and orient their solar pathfinder. Students will be able to properly record the information provided by a solar pathfinder. Students will be able to accurately analyze the information provided by the solar pathfinder to calculate the solar potential (kWh/m2/day) taking into account variables such as shading, climate and weather.
Lesson Number:
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices:
Other Subjects Covered:
Estimated Activity Length:
50 min
Files Associated with this Activity:
This lesson is designed to allow the students to practice assembling and using their Solar Pathfinders, along with analyzing the data. The students will take a single measurement and digital photograph at a location near the classroom designated by the teacher.
Science Kit Material(s) Used:
Solar Pathfinder
Other Material(s) Used:
Digital camera • Stool or chair to raise pathfinder to desired height • Calculator • Student Worksheets #4 and #5