Engineering Clean Energy for Our Community
This lesson plan will engage students in a design process to power a motor using a variety of energy sources. Students will compare different clean energy sources to decide which energy source will complete their design goal. Students will experiment with...
Unit Plan: Understand E-Waste Through Battery Design
In this lesson students will further explore their understanding of energy, electricity, and basic circuits. Students will begin their exploration of batteries by questioning where batteries end up when we are done using them, making connections to e-waste...
Probes of Prior Knowledge
Teacher will administer worksheet probes (formative assessments) of students’ prior knowledge about “making electricity” and “things that run on electricity.”
Solar and SODIS: Creating Clean Water for the World
According to Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley, the number one and two challenges for humanity are energy and clean water. This classroom activity will introduce students to a low cost, renewable technique that connects these two issues. During the activity,...