Greenwood Elementary School
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Greenwood Elementary School became the first Seattle Green Power Project in 2002 when they received a 1-kilowatt photovoltaic (PV) system. The system was not operating from Fall 2006 until July 2008 because of some repairs that were needed. Thanks to the generous support of Seattle City Light, Greenwood became the recipient of a Renewable Classroom PLUS project in 2009. Solar 4R Schools™ repaired the inverter and installed a energy monitoring system on-site to track live performance data. In addition to building a dedicated community of renewable energy educators, the Renewable Classroom PLUS project has transformed the school's existing photovoltaic (PV) system into an engaging, interactive classroom tool.
In 2008, educators within the school received a customized renewable energy teacher training, hands-on science kit materials to augment the school's existing curricula, and complete access to the resources available on the website.