
With a century of innovation under our belt, Boeing is committed to inspiring and preparing the next generation of innovators. We're harnessing the natural curiosity of young people through investments, partnerships and volunteerism to show them how science and engineering can help solve real-world problems.

Our education efforts take a holistic approach to prepare the next generation for success in the 21st century.

We take the long view that early learning is essential to giving all students a strong and equal start in life. Boeing helps reach early learners in their formative years by supporting efforts to improve early caregivers’ preparation and drive awareness of early education’s importance.

Boeing also believes that teachers and school leaders are key drivers of student achievement. After all, how students learn matters as much as what they learn. We work to provide educators with the tools and leadership skills they need to inspire their students to use creativity, collaboration, persistence and problem-solving to change the world.

Sponsored Projects:

Solar Car Derby & Educator Workshops

Golden Girls Solar Car
Seattle, WA
Grade Level:
Technology Type:

With generous support from the Boeing Foundation, Solar 4R Schools piloted our first solar car engineering challenge event in 2014. The event leveraged contributions from the Seattle Mariners and Bonneville Power Administration while utilizing the iconic influence of professional sports to create a powerful impact on the 14 student teams that participated. As a precursor to the challenge event, Solar 4R Schools... Read full project narrative >>