Sources of Energy

Informative Writing: Where Does Energy Come From?

Lesson Number:

This lesson is a (stand alone or in-unit) guided non-fiction research and writing project, which includes a differentiated choice menu and list of ideas for publishing the completed project. Each student will choose one of ten energy sources to research,...

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Learning Goal(s):
Students will understand ten renewable and non-renewable energy sources on the earth.Students will learn the locations of different energy sources on the earth.Students will learn the history of energy sources and how they have been used by humans.Students will learn about innovations and inventions used to find, recover, store and release energy for human consumption.
Pedagogy & Practice:
Lisa Morgan
Estimated Activity Length:
10 hours
Solar Charger Diagram

Replacing Fossil Fuels?

Lesson Number:

As students begin to look at the role photovoltaics might play within the transportation energy sector, it is important for them to understand why the phasing-out of fossil fuels is such a daunting task. This lesson is designed to help students comprehend...

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Learning Goal(s):
1. Students will define energy density. 2. Students will compare energy densities among various transportation fuel options. 3. Students will compare costs per unit of energy among various transportation fuel options. 4. Students will compare energy return on energy invested among various transportation fuel options. 5. Students will assess which fuels have the most potential to replace fossil fuels in the transportation sector using a weighted matrix.
Clayton Hudiburg
Relevant NGSS PE:
Estimated Activity Length:
1 hour
Car Charger Schematic

Electrical Energy and Solar Module Efficiency

Lesson Number:

This lesson will let students do research to define terms that will be used in this unit. They will record this information in their Journals, which can be scientific or simple homemade notebooks. This lesson will also introduce the multimeter, small solar...

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Learning Goal(s):
1. Students will document necessary terms in their journals 2. Students will be able to set up a multimeter to measure voltage 3. Students will be able to set up a multimeter to measure current 4. Students will be able to calculate power from data collected 5. Students should be able to measure the collector area of a solar module (area of solar cell(s) within solar module) and represent this value in square meters (m^2)
Brett McFarland
Estimated Activity Length:
4 hours
Sources of Energy

What is Energy? Where does it come from?

Lesson Number:

Students will be introduced to the scientific meaning of energy and complete a lesson on forms of energy vs. sources of energy. They will learn that most of the energy they use comes from fossil fuels. (Petroleum 35%, Natural Gas 27%, Coal 18%=82%)...

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Learning Goal(s):
Students will obtain basic background information on energy. Students will use their background knowledge to determine what different examples of energy are.
Pedagogy & Practice:
Debbie Abel
Estimated Activity Length:
50 min
Sun in Space

Our Place in Space: Cosmic Rays

Lesson Number:


Using a map of school buildings, students will pick four areas to monitor over the year using wireless weather stations and the Solar Power Meter. In a following...

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Learning Goal(s):
Students will learn how the sun affects their school by measuring the temperature at different locations around the building in the fall, winter, and spring. They will learn how to measure solar energy and look for trends in temperature and solar power over the year. These trends will then be used to investigate how energy reaches Earth from the Sun.
Jamie Repasky
Estimated Activity Length:
3 hours
Energy Transformations

Energy Sort

Lesson Number:

Students will be put in groups of six to eight students. Each group will have images of various items that produce heat (light bulb, hair dryer, refrigerator, computer, game system, television, car, motorcycle, microwave, space heater, etc.). The goal is...

Energy Content:
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Learning Goal(s):
Students will begin to think about various appliances and items that they use and the energy that those items consume. Students will make connections between common objects in their lives and energy transformations taking place.
Pedagogy & Practice:
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices:
Eric Gronseth
Relevant NGSS PE:
Estimated Activity Length:
40 min

Keeping it Cool With Solar: Hot Spot/Cool Spot

Lesson Number:

This is the first lesson where K- 2 students will investigate the effect of sunlight on the earth’s surface (K - PS3-1). The students will observe a video of an ice cube melting as the anchoring phenomenon for the unit. In this first lesson, students will...

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Learning Goal(s):
Students will consider and pose questions about what type of energy source can cause an ice cube to melt. Students will explore how the sun affects the Earth’s surface on the playground. Students will analyze data to understand how the sun affects the earth’s surface on the playground. Students will link the idea of sun/shade to hot/cool.
Mark Lewin
Relevant NGSS PE:
Estimated Activity Length:
30 min

Cost Effective Solar Cells: Solar Energy Equity and Sustainability

Lesson Number:

This lesson is designed to span 2 days with 40-minute sections. On the introduction day, three solar power articles will be read to set up a Socratic Seminar dialogue on Day 2. A teacher will need to read the articles. The articles investigate the pros and...

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Learning Goal(s):
Students will read at least three articles discussing solar power generation, and the social, cultural, and economic implications of sustainable solar energyStudents will discuss social, cultural, and economic implications of sustainable solar energy in a Socratic Seminar format.
Tom Wolverton
Estimated Activity Length:
2 hours

Part 1 - Lesson 1: Why Use Renewable Energy?

Lesson Number:

The purpose of this lesson is for students to obtain base knowledge of how renewable and non-renewable energy is generated and identify differences between renewable resources and fossil fuels. Students will research the potential long-term and short-term...

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Learning Goal(s):
1.Students will define and explain the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy sources.2.Students will research, summarize, and present the (short- and long-term) benefits and drawbacks of utilizing wind and solar energy.  3.Students will research, summarize, and present the (short- and long-term) benefits and drawbacks of utilizing fossil fuels.4.Students will generate questions about the greenhouse gas effect, identify and isolate variables, and then conduct an experiment to answer a class generated question about the greenhouse gas effect.5.Through Socratic seminar, students will use the knowledge gained over the course of this lesson to discuss the potential long- and short-term benefits and drawbacks of using fossil fuels, solar energy, and wind energy.
Jonathan Strunin
Relevant NGSS PE:
Estimated Activity Length:
8 hours

How might we design a battery that reduces e-waste? Phenomenon and Exploration

Lesson Number:

During this introduction lesson series students will explore the guiding phenomenon to understand e-waste and connect it to battery design. Students will utilize online resources to learn about problems from e-waste around the world and the environmental...

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Learning Goal(s):
1.Students will learn about the phenomenon of e-waste through online resources to explore the history of electronics.2.Students will ask questions and define problems involving the environmental impact of electronics and human impact.3.Students will evaluate and obtain information about electronic waste from online resources such as news articles and videos.4.Students will learn (or review) knowledge of circuits to design a model and explain how a circuit works.
Jonathan Strunin
Estimated Activity Length:
2 hours