This project funded by


Sequential Bio Fuels

Eugene, OR
PV System Size:
33.00 - kilowatts
Technology Type:
About the School:

The SeQuential biofuel station is a demonstration in realistic, feasible, and sustainable technologies. More than 16,000 individual photovoltaic cells are installed on 224 panels on the canopy over the fuel pumps and generate 33 kilowatts of electrical power – or enough to provide 30% to 50% of the power that the station requires. Other technologies displayed at the station include a passive solar design, a living roof covered in plants and soil and bioswales that catch rainwater, hold it on site and uses plant life and microorganisms to filters out pollutants.

Energy monitoring provided by the Solar 4R Schools program made the live performance data from their PV system available for educational purposes at the time of the project.