Griffin Elementary School
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The Griffin School District Solar Project was developed in collaboration with South Sound Solar, Inc., BEF and Puget Sound Energy. The project included the installation of a 2-kilowatt photovoltaic (PV) system onto Griffin Elementary School in Olympia, Washington. The six REC 215 panels feed a PV-powered 1,100-Watt inverter that synchronizes with the three phase commercial power that feeds the school. The unique structure uses the panels themselves as the roof, and the surrounding landscape allows for easy access to the system.
In addition to building a dedicated community of renewable energy educators, the Renewable Classroom project award from Solar 4R Schools™ has transformed the Griffin School District's existing photovoltaic (PV) system into an interactive, real-world classroom tool. The system's accessibility and unique design allow it to serve as a real-world educational tool and engagement pieces for the school. As part of their project, educators within Griffin Elementary received a customized renewable energy teacher training, hands-on science kit materials to augment the school's existing curricula, and complete access to the resources available on the website.