This project funded by

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City of Port Angeles logo primary


City of Port Angeles - Maloney Heights

Port Angeles, WA
PV System Size:
6.00 - kilowatts
Technology Type:
About the School:

The Serenity House residential facility, Maloney Heights, was completed in December of 2010. A photovoltaic (PV) system was installed onto the building in March of 2011. Thanks to funding provided by the City of Port Angeles, energy monitoring services were provided to Maloney Heights by Solar 4R Schools made real-time performance data from their 6-kilowatt system available to the community. Students and educators analyzed the system's performance data for educational purposes.

A touchscreen kiosk installed at the nearby Feiro Marine Life Center at Pier 1 in Port Angeles, allowed visitors to interact with real-time system performance data from Maloney Heights while discovering key facts about the science and benefits of renewable energy. Customized renewable energy education training was also provided by the Solar 4R Schools™ team to Feiro staff in 2010 and 2011. Staff continue to incorporate the Solar 4R Schools™ classroom activities into the existing curricula at the Feiro Marine Life Center, inspiring more visitors each year.

The City of Port Angeles has a long history of promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. Their support of Solar 4R Schools™—and their commitment to extending educational programming to visitors to the Marine Life Center—is a great example.