Bertschi School
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Located on North Capitol Hill, Bertschi School had a 4-kilowatt photovoltaic (PV) system installed on-site in 2006. The visibility of the solar panels serves as a public symbol of the school's commitment to educating students about responsible global citizenship and environmental sustainability.
In November 2008, Solar 4R Schools provided the school with a Renewable Classroom PLUS project to help extend their commitment to renewable energy education. The Solar 4R Schools team repaired the school's existing energy monitoring equipment and weather station at Bertschi School. In turn, the PV system's live performance data was connected to the Energy Exploration Center at—effectively transforming the system into an interactive classroom tool. Leveraging the search and analysis tools available within the Energy Exploration Center, students and teachers nationwide can now study the system's performance dat in relationship to key factors including the system's size, type, area weather, and other similar systems within the Solar 4R Schools network.
Bertschi School continues to build a dedicated community of renewable energy educators within its walls. The school received a customized renewable energy teacher training, hands-on science kit materials to augment the school's existing curricula and complete access to the resources available on the website.