Central Electric Community Solar

Live Solar Electric Generation

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At Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF), we believe addressing the planet’s most pressing environmental challenges requires innovation, creative problem solving and discovering a new way of doing business that values the natural resources we depend on. We also believe education plays a critical role in securing a clean energy, low-carbon future. Our nationally renowned Solar 4R Schools program is inspiring a new generation of clean energy leaders with the insight and innovative thinking necessary to solve the nation’s most pressing energy challenges. To get there, we’re transforming solar technology into a complete STEM classroom learning experience. With the help of our corporate, nonprofit and utility funding partners, our vision is to integrate engaging renewable energy education into every science classroom in the nation. Learn more at Solar4RSchools.org.

The Oregon Department of Energy provided project funding through it's Renewable Energy Development Grant Program. 

Central Electric Cooperative members voluntarily fund this community solar array in two ways. Under its Shared Solar program, members subscribe to quarter, half or full panels or more and receive monthly credits on their bill that reflect the amount of energy produced by their subscription. Under the Green Power program, members voluntarily pay an extra 1.8 cents-per-kWh on some or all of their bill with the funds dedicated to the array’s construction, operation, maintenance and future expansion. 


Through strong partnerships, local communities are having a position of influence on global issues.

SCHOOL-NAME would like to thank The Energy Trust of Oregon for funding this project and Bonneville Environmental Foundation for providing project management and educational materials. By choosing non-polluting, renewable energy and protecting important natural resources, we are making a difference in the health of our community and environment, now and for generations to come. It is our hope that this project will inspire students to pursue careers and make decisions that make our world a better place.