Ravalli Electric Cooperative Valley Solar
Live Solar Electric Generation
At Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF), we believe addressing the planet’s most pressing environmental challenges requires innovation, creative problem solving and discovering a new way of doing business that values the natural resources we depend on.
Ravalli Electric Cooperative is a not-for-profit cooperative with one office located just north of Corvallis, Montana. Incorporated in 1936 as part of a national movement that later became the Rural Electrification Administration when rural farmers and ranchers asked the federal government to loan them money to electrify. Rural Montanans didn't want to be left in the dark just because they didn't live in the cities. There are several co-ops in the state of Montana: Missoula Electric, Flathead Electric, Vigilante and Lincoln Electric to name a few. Montana co-ops are all predominantly rural. Ravalli Electric Co-op was the first co-op in the state. and serves approximately 8,000 customers.
Valley Solar is the name of the new community solar project developed by the Ravalli Electric Co-op. Community solar gives Ravalli Electric Co-op members an easy option for solar. No matter where they live, what direction their roof faces, or whether they rent or own, REC members can benefit from solar power. The Co-op is offering members a chance to purchase the energy output from one or more solar panels in one of two 88 panel, 25kW arrays. REC’s Valley Solar project is a maintenance-free and affordable way to support renewable energy development, where members receive an annual credit on their electric bill for the electricity generated by their share of the project..
The USDA Rural Energy for America (REAP) provided grant funding to Ravalli Electric Cooperative. The REAP program provides funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements.
Through strong partnerships, local communities are having a position of influence on global issues.
Ravalli Electric Cooperative would like to thank their customers, USDA, and the Bonneville Environmental Foundation for providing project support. By choosing non-polluting, renewable energy and protecting important natural resources, we are making a difference in the health of our community and environment, now and for generations to come. It is our hope that this project will inspire students to pursue careers and make decisions that make our world a better place.