Where is the Clean Water Around Me?

I shaped PVC frames with a pipe coming up at each of the four corners and a pipe coming up twice as long in the center of the center beam. A KidWind firefly is on top. There are 7-8 of these structures.
Essential Question

Essential Question:

  1. Where is the Clean Water Power Around Me?
Materials List


Classroom Supplies

  • Internet connected device (1 per student)
  • Large whiteboards and markers
  • Large map of North America

Important Links

Lesson 4 of 8 / Time: 45-60 mins

This Lesson appears as a part of the following:
Water Power Implementation Toolkit

This lesson has students use hydropower, wave power, and wind power mapping tools to map the renewable resources around them on a large classroom map of their region, state, or North America.


Clean Water Power: Wind, Waves, and Moving Water

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