What Happens to Waste?

Image shows a lit Ruben's Tube a device that uses flame to visualize sound. This is a silver tube held in a wooden cradle on the upper side of the tube a row of flames of varying heights make a wave pattern.

Lesson 3 of 7 / Time: 3 periods of 50-60mins

With a partner, students will start off by brainstorming a list of things that are in their household trash, if we were to open a bag. Ideas are compiled into a class list. Then using the infographic, students will create a flow-chart of what happens to municipal waste. Working with their partner, they will pick one place on the flow-chart where waste could be reduced, recycled or reused. This will be shared with the class. Students will then find one place that handles waste and write a short letter explaining how that entity can reduce, recycle or reuse waste so it limits what makes it to landfills. Next, students will explore careers in biofuels by creating a careers trading card that summarized jobs in the field. If available, this would be a great time to do a real or virtual tour of a waste handling facility or landfill.

Methane to Music

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