What Are Some Possible Solutions To Current Energy Challenges?

A green wall with five printouts of building models. Each building is made of paper and on a black table underneath it's corresponding image. On a dark green topped table with wooden border under the black table are four more papers and models. On the left, still on the green table, is another model with the paper in front of it. Each structure is different and made from different colored paper.
Materials List


Classroom Supplies

  • 2 Plastic 2 liter (or larger) bottles
  • Food scraps
  • 1 Large heavy-duty trash bag
  • 2 Two-hole stoppers (sized to fit the bottle and bag)
  • 1 One-hole stopper (sized to fit the bottle)
  • Plastic tubing
  • Dish detergent
  • Clothespin or clamp
  • Matches
  • Wooden splints
  • Meter stick

Important Links

Lesson 5 of 6 / Time: Five 40 min periods

Students explore innovative solutions to current energy issues from around the world. Teacher leads methane collection activity as students learn how methane can be captured from food scraps trash.


Designing a Sustainable City of the Future

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