Solar Sphero SPRK+

Glowing green spherical robot called a Sphero SPRK+ sitting on a wooden table. Behind it is a small LEGO brick structure.
Phenomena: Remote (Space) Transportation

The theme for this challenge centers on the idea of Mars rovers, and the challenges faced in space exploration, specifically remote control of exploration tools and the energy generation needed to power these devices.

Next Generation Science Standards

Next Generation Science Standards (Table Standards) * Note there is a spacer of 15 px after this table.

NGSS Performance ExpectationsHow is this assessed?
MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.Students will be defining criteria for success as part of their final engineering project to guide a SPRK+ through a maze to deliver solar panels to a charging station. They will outline the specific requirements for reaching these criteria as a class and discuss their process toward reaching it during their final presentations.
MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.Students will be required to outline their redesign process in their final project as part of their group presentations. Throughout each stage of their development, they should be tracking their redesign as a team in order for the teacher to monitor their progress for formative assessments.
MS-ETS1-3. Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.Similar to redesign, students will be required to make observations and record data that will be incorporated into their design process in the final project and discussed in their presentations.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Drag and Drop Coding Using Scratch

Students go through a series of exercises and projects/challenges to gain familiarity with coding, specifically with drag-and-drop coding. Students will look at Scratch, a free introductory computer programming language, which focuses on creative computing. After working on a few Scratch drag and drop programs, participants will transition to Sphero Edu (formerly Lightning Lab), a comparable drag and drop program for Lesson 2 to prepare to program a Sphero SPRK+ ball to navigate through a maze.

Lesson 2: Sphero Edu Coding

After working on a few Scratch drag and drop programs, participants will transition to Sphero Edu, a comparable drag and drop program for Lesson 2 to prepare to program a Sphero SPRK+ ball to navigate through a maze

Lesson 3: Mars Exploration Debate

Students will research and then debate about the value of Mars exploration through robotic and/or human missions using a debate structure.

Lesson 4: Electricity Fundamentals and Photovoltaics

Students work through a number of solar circuit explorations that culminate in a challenge to charge the Sphero SPRK+ devices with solar panels. In this exploration, students will investigate the requirements of various loads, working toward the voltage and amperage requirements presented specifically by the SPRK+ charging station.

Lesson 5: Chariot Engineering Design

Students will work through the engineering design process to build a chariot for their SPRK+ that will carry their solar panels through a maze to a charging station. Students will draft prototypes, test their designs, and make changes to their design based on the initial success of the chariot.

Lesson 6: Final Challenge and Presentation

In this lesson, students will navigate through a maze using their SPRK+ in order to reach the solar charging station. Students will redesign their chariot in order to meet the needs of this new maze in order to carry their solar panels to the charging station, providing energy for their rover to continue working. Following the completion of this maze challenge, students will present their work in a final project analyzing their engineering design process and what they learned about solar energy and mars rovers.

6 Lessons / Twenty 25-30 hours

This unit incorporates basic programming knowledge and solar energy into an engineering design challenge using Sphero SPRK+ robots. The theme for this challenge centers on the idea of Mars rovers, and the challenges faced in space exploration, specifically remote control of exploration tools and the energy generation needed to power these devices. Students will engage in basic programming challenges with their SPRK+, engage in a debate about Mars exploration, investigate the basics of photovoltaics, design chariots for their SPRK+ robots to carry their photovoltaic cells, and navigate their robots to a charging pad where solar energy will regenerate battery power for their robots.


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