How Does Human Use of Resources Impact the Environment?

A green wall with five printouts of building models. Each building is made of paper and on a black table underneath it's corresponding image. On a dark green topped table with wooden border under the black table are four more papers and models. On the left, still on the green table, is another model with the paper in front of it. Each structure is different and made from different colored paper.
Phenomena: Arid Landscape and Moisture Harvester

Students return to the Landscape Photo and Moisture Harvesting Device Photo of Tatooine Moisture Farms from Star Wars and connect their ideas about moisture farming to real-life examples of fog harvesting from around the world.

Materials List


Classroom Supplies

  • Duct tape
  • Spray bottle
  • Scale
  • Water

Group Supplies (3 per group)

  • Wire coat hanger
  • Panty hose
  • Mason jar
  • Sand

Important Links

Lesson 2 of 6 / Time: Three to Five 40 min periods

This lesson introduces students to how humans use natural resources and creates a foundational understanding of how people use natural resources through real-life examples of fog harvesting from Chile, Morocco, and Ethiopia. Students will begin to understand the different forms of energy and how human activity and use of resources can impact the environment in both positive and negative ways. There is an optional hands-on activity to build a fog-capturing device.


Designing a Sustainable City of the Future

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