Essential Question
Essential Question:
- What are the variables that affect how much power is generated by a Hydro-electric dam?
Materials List
Group Supplies (2-3 per group)
- 5 Gallon bucket with spout at bottom w/ valve
- 5 Gallon bucket to catch water
- 8ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
- 6ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
- 4ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
- 3ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
- 2ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
- 1ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
- 1 inline power generator
- 1 6ft ladder and strap (for higher bucket location)*
- 1 voltmeter
*Items can be shared between more than one group
Important Links
- Lesson Plan
- Video: How Dams Work
- Video: Hydropower 101