How Do Variables Affect Power Generation in a Hydroelectric Dam?

I shaped PVC frames with a pipe coming up at each of the four corners and a pipe coming up twice as long in the center of the center beam. A KidWind firefly is on top. There are 7-8 of these structures.
Essential Question

Essential Question:

  1. What are the variables that affect how much power is generated by a Hydro-electric dam?
Materials List


Group Supplies (2-3 per group)

  • 5 Gallon bucket with spout at bottom w/ valve
  • 5 Gallon bucket to catch water
  • 8ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
  • 6ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
  • 4ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
  • 3ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
  • 2ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
  • 1ft 1/2 I.D. Hose*
  • 1 inline power generator
  • 1 6ft ladder and strap (for higher bucket location)*
  • 1 voltmeter

*Items can be shared between more than one group

Important Links

Lesson 6 of 8 / Time: 3 periods of 45-60 mins

This Lesson appears as a part of the following:
Water Power Implementation Toolkit

This lesson has students make a claim on which configuration will generate the most power in an in-class water power demonstration: Height of water in a bucket (reserve), Length of Penstock, or Height difference between penstock and inline generator. Students then test the variables and collect data. Finally, students compare results with classmates’ and develop a claim, evidence, and reasoning paragraph to support or refute their claim.


Clean Water Power: Wind, Waves, and Moving Water

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