Learning Goals
- Students will be able to view and sketch living aquatic organisms, and predict where aquatic organisms would choose to live.
- Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the food pyramid through the individual construction of their own.
- Students will gain knowledge of species that are common to many Northwest river and reservoir ecosystems.
- Students will learn that scientific tests occur within parameters.
- Students will gain knowledge about conditions that affect many species’ survival in model river and reservoir ecosystems.
- Students will apply knowledge about species by placing them in an appropriate ecosystem.
- Students will apply knowledge of appropriate habitats for species through development of a food pyramid for the model ecosystems.
Materials List
- Journal Page from Activity
- River/Reservoir Ecosystem page from Activity A
- Environmental Species Spreadsheet
Classroom Supplies
- Water Samples (collection instructions in Activity A)
- Transparency of river/reservoir ecosystem
- Transparency of Environmental Species Spreadsheet
Group Supplies
- Microscope or hand lens
- Microscope slide
- Eye dropper
- Clear plastic cup or jar
Important Links