How Are We Part of the Carbon Cycle?

A photo of two cupped hands. In the hand on the left are a pile of leaves in yellows and oranges. In the hand on the right are brown decayed leaves the color of dark organic soil. The leaves are broken down, but not quite dirt.
Phenomena: Leaves breaking down

The phenomena image of leaves breaking down begins the conversation of how carbon goes from one form to the other.

Essential Question:

  1. How does the carbon cycle give us life?
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Lesson 3 of 10 / Time: 60 mins

This lesson presents the question “What is the Carbon cycle?” to students. Students develop a storyboard about their understandings around the Carbon cycle then collect leaves and learn their role in photosynthesis and the Carbon cycle. Finally, students watch a video and discuss the role of plants and Carbon in cities.

Waste to Power

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