Creating the Most Effective Solar Heater

Photo of a handmade solar heater. The heater is several sheets of aluminum foil laying on the ground coming into a corner and raising to create walls On the aluminum foil is a metal coffee can on that is a zip lock bag with a white plate with shredded cheese. A temperature gun is being pointed at the device.
Learning Goals
  1. Students demonstrate the ability to evaluate competing solutions to the problem of  increasing the heat energy transferred to a vial of water.  
Materials List


1 Set Per Class

  • 2-3 liters of room temperature water
  • Several graduated cylinders or syringes for measuring 30ml of water
  • Multiple colors of construction paper
  • Rolls of aluminum foil
  • Tape/glue
  • A sunny day

1 Set per Group of 2-4 Students

  • 2 vials – clear 12 dram vials work
  • 2 thermometers
  • 2 Styrofoam plates
  • 1 piece 30cm x 30cm piece of aluminum foil
  • 1 soup bowl to be used as the solar heater mold

Important Links

Lesson 3 of 3 / Time: 80 Mins

This third lesson can be staged as a competition or simply a personal challenge to beat the standard solar heater created in Lesson 1. During this stage of the lesson students are asked to analyze data and results from Lesson 2 and identify which characteristics of a solar heater maximize its effectiveness.

Experimenting with Solar Heaters

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