Chariot Engineering Design

Glowing green spherical robot called a Sphero SPRK+ sitting on a wooden table. Behind it is a small LEGO brick structure.

Learning Goals

Learning Goals:

  1. Students will identify possible design solutions to have a Sphero SPRK+ pull solar panels as a portable power source.
  2. Students will work in groups to determine the best possible designs and construct and test these designs with their team.
  3. Students will determine the strengths and weaknesses of each design and incorporate these findings into further construction phases.
Materials List

Classroom Supplies

  • Tape to set up simple track

Group Supplies (3-4 per group)

  • Building “blocks” with wheels, such as K’NEX and/or LEGO
  • Scrap cardboard
  • Sphero SPRK+
  • 3+ 2 Volt x 500mA photovoltaic modules (solar panels)

Important Links

Lesson 5 of 6 / Time: 2 hours

Students will work through the engineering design process to build a chariot for their SPRK+ that will carry their solar panels through a maze to a charging station. Students will draft prototypes, test their designs, and make changes to their design based on the initial success of the chariot.


Solar Sphero SPRK+

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