Add Solar Panel Redesign, Rebuild, Retest

A thermometer graphic that goes up at a gradient from green to yellow to red. On the left are 3 corresponding colored checkmarks . On the right text descending from the top, VERY HOT & campfire graphic, HOT, WARM & a yellow steaming dish of food, COOL, and COLD & a blue ice cube.
Lesson Phenomena: Solar Power Cooling Structures

Show students the phenomenon showing a time lapse of a solar panels added to a parking structure. Provide students with a solar panel, motor, and fan to add to their built structures. Ask the question: “What are some different ways we can use this solar panel to make the ground in our structures even cooler?”

Learning Goals:

  1. Students build shade structures that will optimize cooling the earth’s surface from sunlight, incorporating solar energy.
Materials List


Classroom Supplies per group

  • Student’s Structure
  • 1.5 x 500 mAmp Solar PV panel with alligator clips (example)
  • 1.5+ V DC motor (example)
  • Propeller for motor (example)
  • Thermo Infrared Thermometer (example)
  • Optional – Liquid Crystal paper for visualizing heat changes (example)

Important Links

Lesson 6 of 7 / Time: 30-45 Mins

Students are shown solar panel and fan and are asked, “Using solar technology, how might we make the ground in our structures even cooler?” Using the solar panel and fan, students are allowed to rebuild and measure the ground in their structure constructed in Keeping it Cool with Solar: Build Time. They record the temperature of the ground in their structure. Students will share and discuss results.

Keeping it Cool with Solar Unit

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