Carbon Brief
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Intended Grade Level:
Post Secondary

Interactive Map featuring sources of energy and consumption. Great tool for engaging students in understanding where their energy comes from locally and from what sources.

Other Subjects Covered:
Resource Type:
Last Updated:
Intended Grade Level:
Post Secondary

Great synopsis of historical and future problems with energy supply and management in the Pacific Northwest. Strong utility policy focus, with good info in the context of Integrated Resource Plans and Renewable Portfolio Standards.

US Energy Information Administration
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Intended Grade Level:
Post Secondary

A superb research resource for MS and HS students that provides state-by-state data on energy consumption, generation and costs. Also includes state rankings for various energy sources, and individual generation facilities in an interactive map so students can understand what resources and sources of energy and present locally, as well as the grid interconnections. The EIA site also a links to a wealth of other energy data and reports for more detailed analysis, inluding near-term energy forecasts.

Department of Energy
Last Updated:
Intended Grade Level:
Post Secondary

National database that allows users to access a wealth of local and state energy information, in both table and graph formats. Data include energy consumption, energy sources, local energy organizations, energy policies, and energy costs. An excellent resource for place-based research.

Student Energy
Last Updated:
Intended Grade Level:
Post Secondary

An amazing resource focused on providing students with a wealth of resources-videos, articles, and other reosurces-focused on a huge variety of applied energy topics. This is an amazing go-to resource for startingto explore enegry, or going deeper into applied energy issues.  It is also an opportunity to engage students more deeply in energy advocacy.  

National Geographic
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Intended Grade Level:

A robust game/simulation that models energy in many city simulations and requires players to balance energy needs, costs, environmental and social concerns as they seek to power their growing region. A fantastic way to introduce or reinforce exploration of sources of energy and grid concepts.

NOTE: THis game uses Adobe Flash, which is being phased out by many browsers. You may need to find a browser that will support Flash in order to access the game. 

Resource Type:
Advanced Energy Economy
Last Updated:
Intended Grade Level:
Post Secondary
Resource File(s):

The Advanced Energy Now 2019 Market Report is the sixth report of market size, by revenue, of the advanced energy industry, worldwide and in the United States.

Pedagogy & Practice:
Other Subjects Covered:

Unit Plan: A Community Powered by Renewable Energy


In this three-part comprehensive place-based and project-based unit, students will learn and apply rebnewable energy content to devise action plans at an individual, family, and local level. Students will use primary and secondary research explore energy...

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Learning Goal(s):
LEARNING GOALS – PART 11.Students will define and explain the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy sources.2.Students will research, summarize, and present the (short- and long-term) benefits and drawbacks of utilizing wind and solar energy. 3.Students will research, summarize, and present the (short- and long-term) benefits and drawbacks of utilizing fossil fuels.4.Students will generate questions about the greenhouse gas effect, identify and isolate variables, and then conduct an experiment to answer a class generated question about the greenhouse gas effect.5.Through Socratic seminar, students will use the knowledge gained over the course of this lesson to discuss the potential long- and short-term benefits and drawbacks of using fossil fuels, solar energy, and wind energy.6.Students will define scientific vocabulary related to electricity.7.Students will be able to describe how electricity moves through a conductor.8.Students will draw and describe series and parallel circuits.9.Students will identify ways that energy is consumed within their homes.10.Students will perform an energy audit of their home and calculate the amount of energy used by each electronic device and appliances.11.Students will create a spreadsheet demonstrating the electricity required to operate each electronic device and appliance, along with a summary of finding that clearly identifies how energy consumption can be reduced within their home.12.Students will explore various ways to reduce energy (goal is 30% reduction).13.Students will propose a variety of energy reduction plans and present those options to their families for discussion.14.After discussion with their families, students will itemize the agreed upon plan and identify specific actions that result in quantifiable outcomes that will implemented to reduce energy consumption by their families.LEARNING GOALS – PART 21.Students will gain background information regarding the limitations of having and wind and solar generating infrastructure within city and county limits, including environmental, aesthetic, and cultural considerations. 2.Students will work with professionals to compile criteria for placement of wind and solar energy sources.3.Students will conduct experiments to collect and analyze data to provide a conclusion to the questions: What is the optimal blade angle for generating the most energy? What is the optimal wind speed for generating the most energy?4.Students will use prevailing wind data in your region to examine energy output of various sized small wind turbines as wind speeds incrementally increase.5.Based on local wind speeds, students will determine a range of potential kilowatt generation from wind power.6.Students will conduct experiments to determine how electrical output of solar panels change as the tilt, azimuth, and shade coverage change.7.Students will generate, compare, and evaluate various solar configurations for a solar project in your region.LEARNING GOALS – PART 31.Students will utilize previously acquired information about energy needs to create a renewable energy proposal for your town or city.2.Students will perform a solar audit on their homes and use class averages to project the amount of solar energy that can be generated on residential properties.3.Students will assess where commercial and municipal solar projects can occur within your town or city to meet the energy needs for non-residential consumers.4.Students will determine potential locations for larger-scale wind and solar farms to augment the remaining energy needs of the community.5.Students will prepare a comprehensive renewable energy plan that totals the calculations for potential residential, commercial, and agency renewable energy generation.6.Students will calculate the average amount of energy generated by wind turbines and solar panels in various conditions to determine the quantity of renewable energy sources required to power the city.7.Students will use their projected energy calculations to propose a combination of wind and solar sources to meet your locality’s energy needs, based on benefits and drawbacks of each source of energy.8.Based on prevailing winds and building orientation, students will explore potential sites for wind turbines and solar panels.9.Students will develop a final proposal to meet future energy needs through a combination of energy generation and reduction of energy consumption, prepare a brief slide presentation that summarizes their comprehensive plans, and present their finding to local energy conservation groups and local government staff or elected officials.
Jonathan Strunin
Estimated Activity Length:
10 hours

Unit Plan: Understand E-Waste Through Battery Design


In this lesson students will further explore their understanding of energy, electricity, and basic circuits. Students will begin their exploration of batteries by questioning where batteries end up when we are done using them, making connections to e-waste...

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Learning Goal(s):
1.Students will make connections to real world problem solving with e-waste.2.Students will explore battery design and transfer of energy through hands on experiments with household items.3.Students will evaluate and analyze problems with e-waste and research solutions.4.Students will draw and label models to explain circuits demonstrating the movement of energy.5.Students will be able to explain how the measured and compared batteries based on the knowledge learned about volts and using a voltmeter.
Jonathan Strunin
Estimated Activity Length:
10 hours
Hot Pack

Unit Plan - Chemical Differences in Emergency Energy Sources


Students develop atomic and molecular models of energy resources, analyze combustion of various fuels and build circuits with Photovolatic (PV) modules to evaluate and suggest revisions to a disaster preparedness supply list. They then research and...

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Learning Goal(s):
To build empathy for people in emergency situations and an understanding of how access to energy resources can increase one’s safety, health, and comfort. To understand the nature of a variety of energy needs and how different applications have different optimal solutions. To develop models to explain the molecular and extended structures of energy resources, including how the resources change when energy is generated (Electron movement in PV cells, combustion reactions in fuel). To understand that the properties of substances depends upon the atomic / molecular structure, which changes with chemical reactions. To build a circuit that includes a solar module and measure the voltage and current. To gather and evaluate information to describe the impact on society of converting natural resources into PV cells. To design, build and test a device that uses a chemical reaction to generate or absorb thermal energy. Evaluate and revise a plan for the energy resources one should store to prepare for a natural disaster. 
Melody Childers
Estimated Activity Length:
0 sec
