Solar Mobile Design Challenge – Construction

A white mobile with two arms. Hanging from the left arm is a solar powered paper plane. The solar panel is on the top and 2 propellors. On the right arm is a bird shaped paper plane with 3 solar panels down wing and on the back and 2 propellors.
Learning Goals

Learning Goals:

  1. Students brainstorm ideas and share with their group.
  2. Students draw and label Solar Mobile designs in Engineering Notebooks.
  3. Students research an aircraft to trace (if this was not accomplished in the Center of Gravity lesson) and trace the aircraft outline onto foam board.
  4. Students construct a solar circuit to power motors and propellers on a foam board aircraft and test multiple times before adding to the solar mobile stand.
  5. Students construct solar mobile stands and add their aircraft to a dowel attached to the central hub.
  6. Students work with a partner to balance each aircraft onto the mobile.
  7. Students test the mobile speed outside (depending on weather) and compare it to speed under indoor light stands.
  8. After initial testing, students redesign circuits or mobile construction to optimize design.
  9. Students use hand-held devices to film their moving Mobiles to judge the machine’s speed.
  10. Students demonstrate how their Solar Mobile works and justify in writing why their mobile should be chosen for the Children’s Technology Museum.
Materials List


Classroom Supplies

  • X-acto knives for cutting foam board
  • Safety Goggles for use while cutting
  • Wire strippers/cutters
  • Needle nose pliers
  • PVC pipe cutter(s)
  • Multimeter
  • Hot glue gun and glue
  • Clear tape, masking tape, or blue painters tape
  • Laptops or computers for student’s to research airplane designs

Group Supplies (2 per group)

  • 2-6 Solar modules of varying size (0.5V, 1V, 1.5V, 2V)
  • 2 Sheets of lightweight foam craft board (1 per aircraft)
  • 4 Small DC motors (3-6V) (2 per aircraft)
  • 4 Small hobby propellers (2 per aircraft)
  • 2 5mm 1/4″ O-ring for attaching each aircraft’s fishing line guide wires to the dowel
  • 1-2 meters of Fishing line
  • 2 Large paperclips
  • 1 KidWind hub (drilled according to the Teacher Tips)
  • 1 Five way 1/2″ PVC connector
  • 2 Wooden dowels 1/4″, cut to 2 feet
  • 1 Arrow, 30″ fiberglass with steel point
  • Lamp stand(s) with various bulbs

Important Links

Next Generation Science Standards

Next Generation Science Standards

Performance ExpectationHow is this Assessed?
MS-ETS1-3 Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.Students record and discuss their results before, during and after the implementation of their team’s solar mobile prototype. Students justify – in a demonstration and in writing – why their solar mobile is the model that should be chosen for public display.
MS-ETS1-4 Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool or process such that an optimal design can be achievedStudents work through modifications and apply what was learned about solar circuits, the center of gravity, and irradiance as they build their final model.

Lesson 4 of 5 / Time: 5-6 periods of 55 mins

This is the culminating hands-on project for the Solar Mobile Design Challenge Lessons, with construction aligned to an engineering design process. Students start by Restating the Design Problem that was introduced to them in the beginning of the Unit. Next, they Brainstorm ideas and Plan out the construction of the mobile. Students research an aircraft to draw (if this was not accomplished in the Center of Gravity lesson) and move on to the building phase. The exciting part is pulling all the parts together to Build, Test, Evaluate, and go through this loop multiple times making improvements along the way. The final assessment will be students demonstrating how their Solar Mobile works and justifying why their mobile should be chosen for the Children’s Technology Museum.

Solar Mobile Design Challenge

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