Exploring Circuits and Optimum Power

A white mobile with two arms. Hanging from the left arm is a solar powered paper plane. The solar panel is on the top and 2 propellors. On the right arm is a bird shaped paper plane with 3 solar panels down wing and on the back and 2 propellors.
Learning Goals

Learning Goals:

  1. Students build series circuits using “grain of wheat bulb” and LEDs powered by various low voltage solar panels.
  2. Students build parallel circuits using grain of wheat and LED bulbs powered by various low voltage solar panels.
  3. Students demonstrate and draw the energy transfer using solar energy.
  4. Students draw a circuit diagram of their final optimal circuit.
  5. Students design an optimal circuit model that will be used in their final project.
Materials List


Classroom Supplies

  • Wire cutters/strippers
  • Needle nose pliers
  • Energy stick (example)

Group Supplies (3-4 per group)

  • 2-3 3mm LED
  • 2-3 Grain of wheat bulbs
  • 4-6 Alligator clip leads
  • 1 2V Solar panel
  • 1 1.5V Solar panel
  • 1 0.5V Solar panel
  • 1 Simple switch
  • Sun or light stand with 60W incandescent light bulb
  • 2 AA Batteries
  • 1 AA Battery holder
  • 2 Motors
  • 2 Propellers with 2mm opening

Important Links

Next Generation Science Standards

Next Generation Science Standards

Performance ExpectationHow is this Assessed?
MS-PS3-5 Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object.Students will use various solar panels and learn about solar energy transfer in order to power the motors on their solar plane. Students record this knowledge and use it for their final engineering design project.
MS-ETS1-4 Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool or process such that an optimal design can be achievedStudents work through modifications and apply what was learned about solar circuits, the center of gravity, and irradiance as they build their final model.

Lesson 2 of 5 / Time: 2-3 periods of 55 mins

This lesson is an exploratory learning cycle that will give the instructor input as to where students are in their understanding of circuits and also scaffolds student learning. This lesson starts by engaging students by using an Energy Stick. Then, students start by working with small lamps and LEDs to build simple series and parallel circuits. Students then move on to testing motors with propellers and then add a battery pack to the circuit. In the end, students should build a circuit that they feel will be the best for their future mobile aircraft.

Solar Mobile Design Challenge

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