How Does Carbon Dioxide Affect Our Water?

Picture of a wastewater tank at a wastewater treatment facility. The water is frothy and dark. A white pipe runs from the top center to the bottom right of the photo over the tank over the top of concrete supports.
Phenomena: Photo of a wastewater treatment facility

Share the photo of the wastewater treatment facility and explain that the chemical content of the water must be “just right” before it is released back into the water supply.

Essential Questions:

  1. How does carbon dioxide affect our water?
Materials List


Classroom Supplies (for 45 students)

  • Red cabbage
  • 24 Mason jars
  • 5 Turkey basters
  • Large cooking pots
  • Hot plate
  • Vinegar
  • Lime juice
  • Baking soda
  • Bleach
  • Soap
  • Other liquids of varying pH
  • Limewater
  • Water
  • Jar or bottle
  • Filter paper
  • Straw

Important Links

Lesson 6 of 10 / Time: 2 periods of 60 mins

This lesson presents the question “How does Carbon dioxide affect our water?” to students. Students explore acids and bases through activities including an Exhale Lab and pH Cabbage lab as well as the role of Carbon dioxide on ocean acidification.

Waste to Power

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