Dissecting a Compost Bin

Image shows a lit Ruben's Tube a device that uses flame to visualize sound. This is a silver tube held in a wooden cradle on the upper side of the tube a row of flames of varying heights make a wave pattern.
Materials List


Classroom Supplies (for 45 students)

  • Chromebooks or other device for web access
  • Compost bin (several 5 gallon buckets worth)
  • Microscopes
  • Tweezers
  • Petri dishes
  • Latex gloves
  • Thermometers
  • Large sheet of blank paper

Important Links

Lesson 2 of 7 / Time: 3 periods of 50-60mins

Students will be dissecting a compost bin to identify the organisms in it, create food web of the organisms in a compost bin, list the inputs and outputs of a compost pile and it’s biological community.

Methane to Music

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