Setting Expectations for Science and Engineering Projects

Science Exploration Pathway graphic. Image Description is under Featured Image Description Heading
Learning Goals

Learning Goals:

  1. Establishing guidelines for the unit will help students better understand the scientific method.
Materials List

Classroom Supplies

  • Large sheet of poster board or classroom board

Important Links

Featured Image Description

Circle of arrows the top light red arrow reads “Observation” in green. It points at the orange arrow with the text “Question” in blue. Which points to the bottom right yellow arrow which reads “Hypothesis” in purple. This points to the light green arrow with the dark red text “Experiment”, which points up to the light blue arrow with the dark orange text “Analysis”. This arrow points to the light purple arrow in the upper left of the image which has faded green text reading “conclusion”. This arrow points to the original light red “Observation” arrow completing and continuing the circle.

Lesson 1 of 7 / Time: 30 mins

This introductory lesson outlines the process of setting ground rules for science discourse. Teachers explain to students that as we work on the hands-on lessons in the unit (and science in general throughout the year) they will be asked to share their thinking about science concepts.


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